

发表时间:2015-07-20 阅读次数:6405次






2006/4 至今,      上海交通大学,电信学院电子工程系,讲师、副教授、教授

2009/5-2010/5,    美国罗切斯特大学,物理与天文系、光学中心,访问学者,合作教授:J.H.Eberly(2007美国光学协会主席)

        何广强教授目前从事光量子器件与集成、量子纠缠光频梳以及量子密码通信等理论与实验研究。主持国家级、省部级及其它科研项目12项,包括国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年基金1项、留学回国基金1项。作为项目核心骨干参加国家自然科学基金、博士点、国防等科研项目8项。在Nanophotonics、Physical Review A、Optics Express、Journal of Physics B等国内外期刊及学术会议上共发表SCI收录论文60余篇(其中第一作者或通讯作者40篇),已授权发明专利7项,获得包括“上海交通大学教学成果特等奖”等各类奖项6项。目前担任Frontiers in Quantum Science and Technology期刊编委,担任Optics Letters、Optics Express、New Journal of Physics、Physical Review A、Journal of the Optical Society of America B、Journal of Physics B、Frontiers of Physics、Quantum Information Processing、中国科学等国内外学术期刊的审稿人。(Curriculum Vitae下载)



1. 2015年度上海交通大学教学成果特等奖

2. 2011年度上海交通大学“SMC-晨星青年学者奖励计划”优秀青年教师奖(B类)



  1. Yutian Wen, Xufei Wu, Rongyu Li, Qiang Lin and Guangqiang He*, Five-partite entanglement generation in a high-Q microresonator, Physical Review A (2015) 91, 042311(Corresponding author)
  2. Guangqiang He,Taizhi Liu and Xin Tao, The multiparty coherent channel and its implementation with linear optics, Optics Express (2013) 21 (17):19790-19798 (Corresponding author)
  3. Yujing Qian, Zhean Shen and Guangqiang He and Guihua Zeng, Quantum cryptography network via continuous-variable graph states, Physical Review A (2012) 86, 052333 (Corresponding author)
  4. Heng Zhang, Jian Fang and Guangqiang He, Improving the performance of the four-state continuous-variable quantum key distribution by using optical amplifiers, Physical Review A (2012) 86, 022338 (Corresponding author)
  5. Yi Gu, Guangqiang He and Xufei Wu, Generation of six partite continuous variable entanglement by nonlinear parametric down conversion cascaded with four sum frequency generation processes, Physical Review A (2012) 85, 052328 (Corresponding author)
  6. Lang Jiang, Guangqiang He, Ding Nie, Jin Xiong and Guihua Zeng, Quantum anonymous voting for continuous variable, Physical Review A (2012) 85,042309 (Corresponding author)
  7. Guangqiang He, Jingtao Zhang,Comment on “Teleportation of two-mode squeezed states”, Physical Review A 84 (2011), 046301 (Corresponding author)
  8. Guangqiang He, Jingtao Zhang, Jun Zhu and Guihua Zeng, Continuous variable quantum teleportation under Bosonic structured environments, Physical Review A (2011) 84, 034305 (Corresponding author)
  9. Jingtao Zhang, Guangqiang He, Guihua Zeng, Equivalence of continuous variable stabilizer states under local Clifford operations, Physical Review A (2009) 80, 052333(Corresponding author)
  10. Guangqiang He, Jingtao Zhang, Guihua Zeng, Teleportation of continuous variable multimode Greeberger-Horne-Zeilinger entangled states, Journal of  Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (2008) 41, 215503(Corresponding author)
  11. Lijie Ren, Guangqiang He, Guihua Zeng, Universal teleportation via continuous-variable graph states, Physical Review A (2008) 78, 042302 (Corresponding author)
  12. Guangqiang He, Jun Zhu, Guihua Zeng, Quantum secure communication using continuous variable EPR correlations, Physical Review A (2006) 73, 012314(Corresponding author)

1. 何广强,曾贵华,曾文杰,周南润,“基于偏振调制的量子身份认证系统”, 中国发明专利, 授权专利号:
2. 何广强,曾贵华,“基于相位调制的量子身份认证系统”, 中国发明专利, 专利号: ZL200410067582.1
3. 房坚,黄端,何广强,曾贵华, “连续变量量子密钥分发系统的偏振补偿实现方法”, 中国发明专利,
4. 申泽源,肖俊俊,何广强,曾贵华,连续变量量子密钥分发系统及其同步实现方法,中国发明专利,
5. 申泽源,肖俊俊,代文超,何广强,曾贵华,“连续变量量子密钥分发系统及其相位补偿实现方法”,

1.   电磁场与波, 68学时, 本科秋季课程
2.  光纤通信系统与网络,48学时,本科春季课程

3.  嵌入式系统及其应用,32学时,本科秋季课程